Sshhh…Lips speak louder than words. You’re invited to experience glamour that’s strictly word-of-mouth. Newly formulated, this super-silky gloss delivers the perfect amount of Knockout colour with its innovative new brush applicator. Encounter a Lasting Sensation of hypnotically intense, pure colour with a vividly alluring shine that leaves lips looking lush for hours. Mesmerizingly minimal, non-sticky texture feels comfortable… featherlight. Eight tantalizing Lip Pencil shade extensions round out a collection that positively whispers Embrace Me.


* Casual Air Frosted pale pink
* It’s a Wow Mid-tone blue-pink (“rose pink”)
* Check This Out Coral with transforming yellow-pink pearl
* Rich & Witty Neutral dirty pinked beige
* Comfort & Joy Mid-tone frosted dirty mauve
* Famously Fab! Purple-lavender, slightly pearled
* Tour de Fabulous Clean/bright yellow pink with pearl
* Knockout Red with pearl
* Style-Packed Bright, vivid fuchsia
* Rich Bounty Deep red-brown with pearl
* Real Posh Deep berry, slightly pearled

Lip Pencil

* What Comes Naturally Pale peachy beige
* Hip ‘n’ Happy Dirty blue pink
* Have to Have It Soft warm beige
* Just Wonderful Dirty mauve
* Entertain Me Clearly orange
* Lasting Sensation Bright coral
* Embrace Me Vivid pinkish fuchsia
* Just My Type Intense warm brown
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