emo msn names
Depression... a fancy word to say that your dying inside!
Life is not a movie. good guys lose. everybody lies. and love does not conquer all.
I've got a scar that reminds me to breathe.
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.
Early morning moments, a glimpse of joy, but it's soon over and i return to dust?/td>
Against my will i stand beside my own reflection
My heart was taken by you..broken by you..and now its in pieces because of you
(l)i heart emo boy's(l)
No-one like us. i dont know why. we may not be perfect. but heaven knows we try
Its not that i think i am 2 good 4 the world its that i think the world is to good for me.
:[ (w) failed and forgotten (w) :[
So she said "did you know? my hearts bleeding for you" and he said "do you mind? you're getting blood on my shoes.
I feel the blood on my rest and all the pain he put me though.
I hate being treated like a crash helmet i soften the fall but on the way down i always get hurt
Im sick of being treated like a crash helmet i soften the fall but on the way down i always get hurt
I walked through fier i walked through waves , pain is overwhelming with hate and pain
Emo is not a state of mind, it is a mind statment(u)
How can you work towards happines, when you've never known a smile, when all you know is blood and tears?
Had i not known, that i was already dead, i would have mourned my loss of life.
How will you know i am hurting, if you cannot see my pain? to wear it on my body tells what words cannot explain.
(r)rachel(r)// today iis just another day for me...(u)
You抳e come too far now, you抣l never make it out alive of this nightmare, sweet dreams!
Save myself? from death? is that it? is that why i'm here? i'm not afraid to die. at times i've welcomed death.
:[...e s c a p e...t h e...f a t e...:[
Dont let me go because its the scar talking not th girl and i dont want yooh to go
Im stand alone with my reflection
So she said "did you know? my hearts bleeding for you" and he said "do you mind? you're getting blood on my shoes.
This is what i call a tragedy(w)
(w)(u) i am worthless, i hate my self, i hate my life, there is no reason to live(u)(w)
(w) if you felt how i felt, if you looked how i look, if you were told you were a mistake, if you were in my shoes, wouldn't you want to die! (:s)
Faith is what this worlds needs and maybe just maybe some things will work out even though you said it couldnt be done
My life is falling to the ground and so arr the tears i cry i dont want to live this life anymore i just want to die
Teddies don't hug back , but somethimes they're all that u've got
Wots the point of livin? all u do is givin, u get nothin in return so lets just go to hell and burn (u)
Sumtyms all u need is for someone to listen
Y do bad things always happen to good people?
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